Interacting with my writing is a great way to ignite yourself with my fire. Please do. All the major finished works I’ve produced are on this page and most titles have generous free samples. Download and glow! See the menu for information related to my services.

The Germ War is a 20-page deep dive into the recent Global Panic, with 7 pages of references. The printable version and ePub version are bundled in the same free download. With 5 sheets of paper, 2 staples, and a little ink or toner, you can bring anyone up to speed on how our lives are being stolen.

The Green War is a 20-page demystification of the science of climate change—aka geoengineering, including chemtrailing and ionospheric heating—and its goal of chasing us into SMART Cities for convenient population reduction. Nothing green about it. Nothing scientific about it except the deliberate manipulation of our atmosphere and consciousness. The printable and ePub version are bundled in a free download. With 5 sheets of paper, 2 staples, and a little ink or toner, you can spread the alarm.

The Elephant is a 150-page summary of how civilization domesticates humans. It succinctly reviews “Western Civilization” and how it methodically and deliberately restricts our perception and behavior. Most importantly, it shows how we do slavery to ourselves, and how we can stop doing it. It is a fun book on an ugly topic that will help you emancipate yourself from incremental illness. An ePub for devices and computers is available for $5.

Civilization Undressed is a 1050-page, 7-part series available for $25. Through hundreds of short scenes describing events of the past 50 years, it reveals what civilization is, what it does, and how it does it. [Parts 6 and 7, Our Leaders Undressed and CØV$D Undressed, reveal some of the best-kept secrets of civilization, and are only available with the $25 download.] Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are also available individually. Huge free samples of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with TOCs, will make your curiosity drool and thinky parts purr.

The Trap is a 100-page book on recent events. It is $5. It presents the formula used to set up and sell all the world wars of the past century, the methods used to domesticate humans like animals, and the contextualizing elements of the current Green War and Germ War that corporate and social media continuously conceal. Several chapters of samples will help you begin installing a ruthlessly no-bullshit perspective about what is done to us and what to do about it.

You are telling yourself what is possible and spending your life in that motel room. Changing your inner dialog makes a wilder, more wonderful world accessible. Question Duality is a 112-page immersion in neurolinguistic programming through language games. It is $5. A sample is here.

Taoist food science is over 3000 years old. It provides diagnosis of and treatment for many conditions, and anyone can use it. It also empowers personalized constitutional analysis that helps us recognize what is good for us individually. Eating Awake (300 pages, $5), summarizes my journey of eating for consciousness and health through a Taoist perspective. It includes most of the weird diets you can think of, many of the superfoods, and tons of recipes. It also gives you frameworks for understanding what different foods and categories of foods do to us, and how to use them strategically. Not a diet book, this is a “try it” book for those who take full responsibility for what we put in our heads and mouths. A sample is here.

Deep Shit is a content vehicle attempting to land on several social media platforms. Search for it or visit this page again for more details. You can sign up for the list at and will get broadcasts as soon as it takes off.

Note on sharing files: Various types of honest communication are being legally classified as misinformation or hate speech and are being punished. To stay out of reach of the big stick, be sure to share anything you download here only using safe methods like, nordlocker, or proton drive. There are free plans for all of these. Create folders of resources for friends and share them there. Make your messages vague, like “I have something you should see.” Even naming the content can get you unwanted attention and pain. Repeating: No sharing by email. None by big mainstream drive or cloud. Not on social media. All this stuff is now noticed and punished. No jokie! Wonderful people are now in jail for telling the truth about what is happening. Stay free. Stay safe. Ignite consciousness.