How & Why

Having participated in, managed, or consulted on hundreds of writing and publishing projects, I recognize the importance of working well together. To assure we do I will customize our workflows to assure that they are comfortable for us, doable for us, and enjoyable for us. Relaxed and fun situations bring out the best in us, including our best performance and best collaborations. 

In service of developing an honest relationship, it seems important to confess how I work: As a long-term therapist with skills from that experience, I understand the importance of developing rapport with you and leveraging that rapport towards the goal of productive collaboration. I will help you feel understood, accepted, and appreciated so that we play nicely together and share supportively. I will set up a situation where being honest and taking up emotional space are normal. I will do this instinctually, skillfully, and reflexively. Creating a situation where you feel comfortable expressing yourself and speaking up for your needs makes working together easier. Having support from someone who gets you and values you shifts your internal balance of power in your favor.

Every project is an adventure that can change our lives. It is more than getting something done; it is exploring our world, learning about ourselves, and building competence and confidence. Holding this understanding jolts us out of deadening routines, helps us learn from experiences as we have them, and energizes us to exceed our past productions. Kafka said: A book should be an axe for the frozen sea within us. Writing a book certainly is! And writing an application essay or business report is that process in miniature. Handling words intentionally puts us in contact with the force of creation that is discovering itself as it moves through us. Prepare to be aware! That is what happens here. It is fun, but it is also high energy.