
Just talking with him gets me pumped. He brings the same total focus to talking and writing I get by kite surfing. I have done three long projects with him; each more efficiently and quickly. I now produce finished materials in half the time it used to take me. When I’m on chat with him I feel like I am with Bruce Lee: He knows how to connect and he knows how to teach. He worked with one of my coworkers and she summed it up: “He intuits what people need to grow, and helps them get it and do it.” Working with such a functional and supportive person is very satisfying.  [James] 

Before working with him I was never good at presenting myself. His careful listening improved my perspective on my own value, and his skill with words is really off the chart. He turned my applications into finely tuned machines and got me prepared for my interviews. Five for five! [Morgan] 

I called him for a digital publishing project and got excellent work from him. I also got something else: His use of language is totally magical! His words just stir my soul! I would pay him just to listen to his voice. If I ever need help with marriage vows or rite of passage speech I will certainly call him. [Barbara] 

I really owe him. I procrastinated way too long and had to call him in for a sixty-day sprint, helping me do my senior thesis start to finish. He talked to me twice a day, six days a week, managing both my project and my sanity, keeping me on target. I aced it. [Davida] 

He is inspiring, and he does great work. He’s a little bit of sunshine in a dark world, and while I am working with him I am warm and confident. [Sasha] 

I found his book ‘Question Duality’ on Amazon and was curious to work with him. I talked my boss into having him do some product documentation for us. It was amazingly precise and at the same time human and accessible. Just what we socially clueless coders needed. Thanks, Mr. Wizard! [Ashish] 

He helps me with advertising campaigns and reminds me that humans can behave like rational creatures. The part I like most is when he breaks down a paragraph or sentence and says ‘If you use this word you convince the sixty-plus crowd, but lose the millennials; if you use this phrase the Gen X kids will know you are one of their own, but everyone else will be scratching their heads; and if you use this construction you get cred with New Yorkers but lose the South and Midwest.’ It is like riding with Krishna in the chariot; getting schooled on how communication works. Fun aside, his ad copy is deadly effective. It is like pheromones: Customers wander into your trap, and you’ve got them. [Brenda] 

Working with him helped me accept a promotion I had been resisting for two years. I am not a strong communicator, and felt overwhelmed by the idea of taking on a job where I would have to communicate more. Doing two personal projects together—a book and event website for family and friends—changed my thinking: I like the guy. He’s honest, direct, and super supportive. Working together convinced me that I can work with him long-term with no drama. When that sank in, I realized I could leverage our relationship professionally, accepted the promotion, and took the leap. He can produce perfect work in one hour that would take me five hours to do less well. I can pay him for eight hours a month, save myself forty, and present myself as smarter and more polished than I am. He is like my personal fixer. He knows my speaking style and my work situation; I sketch things out and he turns them into reports, emails, or presentations. Forty hours less work for me each month, $5K more net income, and I don’t have to do the things I suck at and hate. I am a happy boy. [Jeffrey] 

I was in a high-pressure academic setting and heard about him from my cousin. My guidance counselors and tutors were good, but they did not help me develop confidence in who I am or what I can do. He did. By working with me on numerous projects he helped me realize what I have to say, what situations energize me, what skills I like using, and how to make a career around them. He is a loyal supporter and constructive critic. For three years he helped me see my strengths and weaknesses clearly, and work with them. He is a truly valuable ally. [Whitney]