WOW 101

Using language well advertises your intelligence and competence. I do that for you, with you, or as you; promoting you in projects that achieve your goals. Whether you need social media posts, academic work, applications, articles, advertising, websites, books, or other communications, I help you produce them masterfully.

I am a friendly two-headed monster doing two different jobs: As a magazine editor, journalist, web developer, project manager, and author I compose, edit, proof, format, and publish texts of many lengths, of most kinds, for nearly any purpose. As a therapist, tutor, and language instructor I listen attentively to what you are trying to say, help you bring your meanings to the surface, and help you arrange them in ways others understand and appreciate.

If you need help communicating powerfully, call me and we’ll share great adventures.

First Steps, Rates, Turn-Around

Our first interaction will be a curiosity call. It is free. You may send me materials related to your project beforehand or tell me about them when we talk. For small jobs you have 20 minutes to share the details of your proposed project(s) and ask me anything you want. For large jobs we may take an hour or more. We will decide if we are a good fit based on this conversation. Review the Projects I Accept (below) then contact me to schedule a curiosity call.

My rates are $50–$100 an hour depending on the skills and responsibilities required. Assume a three to seven day turn-around on most short projects. If my schedule is light, one or two day turn-around may be possible at no extra charge, but usually same-day turn around or drop-everything-and-do-this-till-it-is-done requests incur surcharges. 

Projects I Accept

Yeses: Creative work, advertising and branding campaigns, business writing, fiction, non-fiction, academic and employment applications, high school and undergraduate assignments and tutoring, proposals, website and social media posts, product and service reviews, brand or social media management, online-retail product descriptions and customer service, documentation, templates, help pages, project management, essays, articles, books, scripts, game and curriculum content, proofing, editing, writing, and publishing.

Noes: Violent or sexual content, Masters or Doctoral theses,* technical writing on unfamiliar topics, extensive transcription, jobs on spec (payment contingent on desired results: getting hired, accepted to graduate school, etc.), propaganda, polemic, or work for predatory or abusive institutions.

Maybes: Anything else.

If we are a yes or maybe, contact me to schedule a curiosity call: 510.990.0440